Boyarsky Custom Guitars is a complex and unique instruments. We’ve been making guitars for over a decade, and we’ve been making them by hand the whole time using only the best materials and equipment.
We never make the very same guitars. Even if you choose the same options, the same selection of wood, and similar fittings, in the end, the instrument turns out to be slightly different. The wood pattern on the top will be a bit different or the body material will have a lower density, which will entail changes in dimensions and plasticity.
Each individual element will be performed as required by the current situation. Maybe nobody will notice, but just one small change and after every ten instruments, the difference becomes obvious.
Development is the most valuable thing that we can bring to our business. This is also the most fascinating because the element of art is inseparable from our work.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us.